annual meeting fy 2018 held June 12, 2019
ANNUAL REPORTS new_haven_green_fund_inc_fy_2018_annual_report_for_filing_pdf.pdf
June 12, 2019, Whitneyville Cultural Commons, 1253 Whitney Ave, Hamden CT
Attendees: Lynne Bonnett, Martha Smith, Robert Sheiman, Ratan Koneru, Annie Adams, Andrew Danzig, and Joe Jolly (Google Hangouts)
Absent: Lianne Audette, Aaron Goode, Marian Evans, Kevin Dahms, Robert Hoppenstedt
Call to Order: Lynne 17:35
Minutes: Andy - Minutes from May 8 Board meeting approved unanimously with Lynne’s change.
Nomination and Election of Directors, Class of 2019 (2 year term): Robert
Joe Jolly, at large
Marian Evans, at large
Ratan Koneru, New Haven
Lianne Audette, East Haven
Annie Adams, Hamden
No nominations from floor
Slate approved unanimously
Nomination and Election of Officers (1 year term): Robert
President: Lynne Bonnett
Vice President: Martha Smith
Secretary: Andrew Danzig
Treasurer: Joe Jolly
No nominations from floor
Slate approved unanimously
Committee assignments are as follows:
Finance: *Joe Jolly, Robert Hoppenstedt, Ratan Koneru, Lynne Bonnett
Nominating: *Lynne Bonnett, Aaron Goode, Robert Sheiman, Marian Evans
Grants: *Ratan Koneru, Joe, Marian, Annie, Andy, Lianne, Kevin, Lynne, Robert
Marketing and Outreach: *Robert Sheiman, Aaron Goode, Marian Evans, Robert Hoppenstedt, Martha Smith,
Airtable/database: *Robert Sheiman, *Andy Danzig
Liaison: Lianne
Development: (aspirational?)-Aaron Goode, Annie Adams, Robert Hoppenstedt
* = Committee chair
Upcoming tasks:
Adjourn: 18:35
June 12, 2019, Whitneyville Cultural Commons, 1253 Whitney Ave, Hamden CT
Attendees: Lynne Bonnett, Martha Smith, Robert Sheiman, Ratan Koneru, Annie Adams, Andrew Danzig, and Joe Jolly (Google Hangouts)
Absent: Lianne Audette, Aaron Goode, Marian Evans, Kevin Dahms, Robert Hoppenstedt
Call to Order: Lynne 17:35
Minutes: Andy - Minutes from May 8 Board meeting approved unanimously with Lynne’s change.
Nomination and Election of Directors, Class of 2019 (2 year term): Robert
Joe Jolly, at large
Marian Evans, at large
Ratan Koneru, New Haven
Lianne Audette, East Haven
Annie Adams, Hamden
No nominations from floor
Slate approved unanimously
Nomination and Election of Officers (1 year term): Robert
President: Lynne Bonnett
Vice President: Martha Smith
Secretary: Andrew Danzig
Treasurer: Joe Jolly
No nominations from floor
Slate approved unanimously
Committee assignments are as follows:
Finance: *Joe Jolly, Robert Hoppenstedt, Ratan Koneru, Lynne Bonnett
Nominating: *Lynne Bonnett, Aaron Goode, Robert Sheiman, Marian Evans
Grants: *Ratan Koneru, Joe, Marian, Annie, Andy, Lianne, Kevin, Lynne, Robert
Marketing and Outreach: *Robert Sheiman, Aaron Goode, Marian Evans, Robert Hoppenstedt, Martha Smith,
Airtable/database: *Robert Sheiman, *Andy Danzig
Liaison: Lianne
Development: (aspirational?)-Aaron Goode, Annie Adams, Robert Hoppenstedt
* = Committee chair
Upcoming tasks:
- Airtable Beta Testing session scheduled for whole board on July 8, 5:30 pm at WCC.
- Finance/Grants - Finance committee Upcoming tasks delineate issues that need to be addressed in the near future-please refer to document titled upcoming tasks in the annual meeting FY 2018 folder.
- Public Annual Meeting: Robert, Marian, Annie - Topic ideas discussed included Recycling Problems and Environmental Economic issues that incorporate Racial Considerations. Possible speakers mentioned include: Marian Chertow, Ibanya, James Albis, and Richard Norhouse. Consider using New Haven’s Sustainability document as framework for discussion. Annual Meeting committee to meet on June 24 and report to board at July 8 session.
Adjourn: 18:35