Request for applications for large and small grants will be issued in the fall. The Green Fund seeks innovative proposals from committed organizations and individuals for activities that advance our mission which is to promote environmental quality, public health and equity in our community by providing grants and other incentives that contribute to a more environmentally sustainable future and reduce air, water and land pollution.
Our areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Organizing, advocacy and community engagement for environmental justice, including education about adverse health effects from pollution and tools to improve health outcomes.
Climate change resiliency and mitigation strategies.
Sustainability initiatives, including but not limited to creating better community tools for households, businesses, organizations, etc. to integrate sustainability practices into their daily routines.
Increased public access to natural resources.
Air and water cleanup initiatives.
Innovative technology or processes to advance sustainability, climate resiliency and decrease pollution.
Applied research in environmental and public health areas that addresses community issues.
Community planning and advocacy activities contributing to healthier neighborhoods.
Small and Micro Grants for mission support and capacity building.
We encourage collaborative projects between environmental organizations and outreach organizations. Our funding criteria are the following:
Consistency with the Green Fund's mission and issue areas of interest.
Likely or projected impact on environmental equity and environmental quality based on proposed work and clear explanation of how and why the project will have an impact.
Evidence that the applicant will deliver on its promise in the specific proposal under consideration based on capacity (experience, committed resources, and/or management expertise), track record, evidence of support.
Plan to measure the impact of the work, and agreement and ability to report results of fund investment.
Cost and cost-effectiveness: budget is clear and appropriate for project.
Micro Grants
Micro grant applications will be considered on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year. Micro grants (up to $1000) will be considered on a rolling basis at regular board meetings based on submission of a letter request on your organizational stationery.
You should state briefly in no more than two (2) pages: (a) a description of your organization and its membership with contact information; (b) the group and community or area the grant will benefit; (c) what specific activities you will undertake with the funds, including use of funds; (d) a budget; and (e) what you hope to accomplish with the funds related to the Green Fund’s areas of interest. If you have any questions please contact our Microgrants Chair, Annie Adams, at [email protected]. Submit your letter to [email protected]. You can also mail a hard copy to our office if you do not have email. However, you will get a more immediate response if you send your request by email. Our office address is: Greater New Haven Green Fund P O Box 206355 New Haven, CT 06520
In addition to its grant programs, the Green Fund retains a small budget for sponsorships that support marketing of our grants and programs. There is no formal application for sponsorships and recipients may or may not be tax-exempt organizations. Some recent sponsorships include Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride, Connecticut Multimodal Transit Summit, New England Green Building Council, Reimagining New Haven Climathon, Mill River Urban Waters grant-community outreach, CT chapter of the national environmental education association, and Lots of FIsh's environmental art project (outreach to public schools in New Haven). If you have a high-visibility event, newsletter, or marketing opportunity that you think might be appropriate for a sponsorship, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected]. We will discuss and decide whether to fund your request at our next board meeting. We will respond asap by email. Please include a flyer describing your event and the available sponsorship levels.